Everything under the sea must die before it can be born again.
When Irsa sacrificed her name to give Roan her happiness, she knew the consequences and what it would cost her. Unable to remember the woman she loved, or even herself, the Witch of the Deep has grown into a ferocious sea monster who cares little for the lives she takes.
Alora has been fascinated with the world of monsters since her great-grandmother Roan told her a story of mermaids, finding love, and sacrifice. After the report comes in of strange activity in a small town, she sets off to investigate.
Only, it's not a simple haunting, but a vengeful woman cloaked in white who inadvertently brings Alora and the Witch of the Deep together on an unforgettable journey.
The final story in the Tales of the Sea trilogy is for fans of Tithe by Holly Black, and Wicked by Gregory Maguire.